Grade E EPDM (Green color code) -40°F to 230°F (Service Temperature Range)(-40°C to 110°C)Recommended for water service, diluted acids, alkalies solutions, oil-free air and many other chemical services. NOT FOR USE IN PETROLEUM APPLICATIONS.
Grade T Nitrile (Orange color code) NOT FOR USE IN DRINKING WATER -20°F to 180°F (Service Temperature Range)(-29°C to 82°C)Recommended for petroleum applications. air with oil vapors andvegetable and mineral oils. NOT FOR USE IN HOT WATER OR HOT AIR
The Gruvlok Clamp-T provides a quick and easy outlet at any location along the pipe. A hole drilled or cut in the pipe to receive the locating collar of the Clamp-T is all that is required. The full, smooth outlet area provides for optimum flow characteristics.
The Clamp-T housing is specially engineered to conform to the pipe O.D. and the Clamp-T gasket providing a leak tight reliable seal in both positive pressure and vacuum conditions. The maximum working pressure for all sizes is 500 PSI (34.5 bar) when assembled on standard wall steel pipe.
The Gruvlok Clamp-T provides for a branch or cross connection in light wall or standard wall steel pipe.
The Fig. 7045 Clamp-T female pipe thread branch is available with NPT or ISO 7/1 connection and the Fig. 7046 Clamp-T has grooved-end branch connection.
Clamp-T cross connections are available in various sizes allowing greater versatility in piping design.