Grade E EPDM (Green color code) -40°F to 230°F (Service Temperature Range)(-40°C to 110°C)Recommended for water service, diluted acids, alkalies solutions, oil-free air and many other chemical services. NOT FOR USE IN PETROLEUM APPLICATIONS.
Grade T Nitrile (Orange color code) NOT FOR USE IN DRINKING WATER -20°F to 180°F (Service Temperature Range)(-29°C to 82°C)Recommended for petroleum applications. air with oil vapors andvegetable and mineral oils. NOT FOR USE IN HOT WATER OR HOT AIR
Gruvlok® introduces new 2-piece large diameter standard groove couplings in both rigid and flexible styles
Uses standard grooves (conforming to AWWA C-606)
No special grooves or grooving tools needed
Pressures to 350 P.S.I. on cut or roll grooved pipe with a wall thickness of 0.250" or greater